Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just so sad....

One of my friends who I have known for about 10 years now, was in a very, very bad motorcycle accident. He has been in ICU. He was riding his brand new motorcycle on the highway with friends behind him following him. Well someone pulling a trailer cut him off and my friend got stuck in the wheel of the trailer and was dragged about 20 feet. They had to cut off his bottom part of his right leg off, he has problems with one of his hands that was trone up, and all over his body many cuts and sraces. This is not in full detail because just thinking about it makes me sick. Working for a insurance company and handling claims I can not tell you how many times I have see this happen. The worst part this time is I know the person who it happened to. The docs says hes going to make it and everything will be fine expect for the part he has to be in a wheel chair or has to get a fake leg and most of the time insurance will not cover for a fake leg. He has a long way a head of him.


Heather said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I cant imagine how you feel but you know you can call and talk to me whenever you want or need to.

Its great that he is going to be ok. Its a terrible thing to happen to someone but thank god that he survived.

I love you. xoxoHeather

Heather said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I cant imagine how you feel but you know you can call and talk to me whenever you want or need to.

Its great that he is going to be ok. Its a terrible thing to happen to someone but thank god that he survived.

I love you. xoxoHeather

Jennifer said...


Liz, I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how horrible things are. That is really sad. I hope that things work out in the best way possible for your friend. I have known people that have beat the odds at a lot of things, hopefully he will be one of them.

Thank goodness, although he has a lot going on with him, that he is still alive and doing okay.

I wish him all the best on his road to recovery and if you ever need to talk... you know where to find me.

LOVE you!!